

In the year 2008, the company acquired -from Blue Ice S.A. who purchased the claims in 2005, from Disputada Ltda.(a former Exxon Coal & Minerals Subsidiary)- the copper and silver minerals exploration claims named "Rafaela Uno a Rafaela Cinco", comprising a total area of 25 hectares situated in the hill that form the east slope of El Cobre Ravine in the Peña Blanca ranch, at Cabildo commune in the Petorca province in the Chilean Region of Valparaíso.


Since mine acquisition by the current owner, different exploration works have been performed, such as a 250 meters (m.) long access tunnel, 480 m. long ramp for hauling, 298 m. long on several ore passes, 180 m. long ventilation raise, 150 m. long blind raises and 1.855 m. on various tunnels. Additionally, among other drifts along with the exploitation of two main levels, L 779 and L 756. Also, on surface a detailed recognition was done, including topography, geology, sampling, 1,600 m. roads, trial-pits, among other works.

Currently, Rafaela is producing at rate of 12,000 tons of copper ore a year with a copper grade of 2,5% average, which is sold run of mine (ROM) to Enami (the Chilean state owned mining processing company that process, smelt, refine and commercialized the copper ore extracted by medium–small size miners).

The drilling process is performed by three manual drill equipments, Jack-Leg YT27, meanwhile the blasting process it uses emultex and anfo driven by slow detonating cord.

The mining system is completed with two low profile front loader (LHD), one Scoop Sanva SJ100 with a 1,5 cubic yard bucket and one Toro 150D. These equipments haul the ore from the working face to an ore pass that accumulates the material. Then the ore is rehandled to surface by a ramp, where is stockpiled waiting for trucks that will transport the ore to Enami's processing plant.



  Av. La Dehesa 1.201, East Tower, Of. 214. Santiago, Chile.
Copyright © 2013 Minera Rafaela SA.

Tel: +56 (2) 2321 2248